Conservation > Explore the Island > Waterside Fairs
Waterside Fairs, also known as Water's Edge, is a stretch of bare volcanic rock that forms part of the Wideawake fairs. This area is one of Ascension's main nesting sites for sooty terns, <em>Onychoprion fuscatus. </em> Sooty terns settle in vast numbers in a collection of colonies that spread across the lava fields hugging the coastline.
When terns are nesting please stay outside of the colony boundary. Walking into a colony causes disturbance to the birds which can result in eggs and chicks being abandoned. Adult birds that are scared off small chicks to avoid humans then leave their chick vulnerable to frigatebird predation. Terns are also very protection of their young and can become aggressive.
The Conservation Department regularly visit this site to clear invasive Mexican thorn, Prosopis juliflora, from the protected area. If left unchecked, Mexican thorn covers the bare rock that the sooty terns nest on with an impenetrable thorny thicket, limiting the amount of nesting space. These trees will also encourage soil formation that further alters the habitat and could encourage subsequent invasive species. Furthermore, the trees provide moisture and food sources to invasive rodents that threaten the nesting sooty terns.
You can find the following flora and fauna at the Waterside Fairs Bird Nature Reserve:
Type: Seabird | Status: Least Concern | Nativeness: Native
A medium sized dark brown seabird with a white crest that blends into a grey neck. These birds are found around the island nesting on rocky outcrops and cliffs.
Type: Seabird | Status: Least Concern | Nativeness: Native
A medium-sized, highly pelagic seabird with contrasting black and white plumage and a distinctive ‘wideawake’ call. These birds congregate on part of the South-West coast of the island known as the Wideawake Fairs.
Type: Seabird | Status: Least Concern | Nativeness: Native
A tropical seabird that is mostly white with a black eye strip, diagonal black bars across the wings as well as black wing tips. Their long white tail streamers are a distinctive feature mid-flight.
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