Ascension Island Government

Public Consultation on Amendment to National Protected Area at Long Beach

Response sought between 23 September – 07 October 2022

Today, Friday 23 September 2022, sees the start of a public consultation on a draft Policy to amend the boundaries of the National Protected Area at Long Beach.

The proposed change is driven by the fact that the only suitable site for an urgently required new wastewater plant for Georgetown lies just within the land side edge of the current protected area. In order to allow the wastewater treatment plant to be constructed, the boundary of the Long Beach Nature Reserve would need to be adjusted.

An environmental impact assessment for the proposed new wastewater treatment plant has been carried out by the Conservation and Fisheries Directorate. This has shown that, with appropriate mitigation in place, the construction and operation of the treatment plant at the preferred location would not have a negative impact on the natural features of the Long Beach Nature Reserve.

Copies of the draft policy amendment are available online through the AIG website via, or through the Administrator’s Office in Georgetown.

Members of the public and interested parties are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the draft policy amendment and provide written responses by no later than Friday 07 October 2022. Responses should be provided by email through