A large pelagic seabird with predominantly dark plumage and long, slender wings up to 2m in span. Males inflate their characteristic red throat pouches in the breeding season.
Type: Seabird
Status: Least Concern
Nativeness: Native
A pantropical seabird which is slightly smaller than the Masked booby. The upper parts of the bird are a chocolate brown colour whilst the underside is white. The bill, facial skin and legs are a bright yellow colour.
Type: Seabird
Status: Least Concern
Nativeness: Native
A medium sized dark brown seabird with a white crest that blends into a grey neck. These birds are found around the island nesting on rocky outcrops and cliffs.
Type: Seabird
Status: Least Concern
Nativeness: Native
The largest and most numerous booby species on Ascension with predominantly white plumage and a distinctive yellow bill and feet. They are found at Letterbox Nature Reserve nesting densely on the plateau.
Type: Seabird
Status: Least Concern
Nativeness: Native
A large white seabird with stunning red feet that only nests on Boatswainbird Island. This booby comes in two colour morphs on Ascension, one brown, and one white, though both will have white tails.
Type: Seabird
Status: Least Concern
Nativeness: Native
A medium-sized, highly pelagic seabird with contrasting black and white plumage and a distinctive ‘wideawake’ call. These birds congregate on part of the South-West coast of the island known as the Wideawake Fairs.
Type: Seabird
Status: Least Concern
Nativeness: Native
Small and white, these inquisitive terns are known locally on Ascension as Fairy terns. These delightful birds will regularly approach hikers and momentarily hover in the air above. They are the only species of tree-nesting seabird on Ascension.
Type: Seabird
Status: Least Concern
Nativeness: Native
A tropical seabird that is mostly white with a black eye strip, diagonal black bars across the wings as well as black wing tips. Their long white tail streamers are a distinctive feature mid-flight.