Ascension Island Government

Government > Island Council > Questions and Responses


CEF 03 2023 2021/22 Income Tax Assessments

When will we see the outcome of the 2021/22 Income Tax assessments?

Year-end income tax assessments usually start around June. Whilst individuals may have submitted their tax returns, the overall submission from the employer comes in a bit later.
In June 2022, AIG set out to produce a system to make the process computer based, quicker and easily managed. Unfortunately, due to a combination of staffing changes and key gaps in resources it was not possible to achieve a revised system and a back log of assessments had built up.
It is usual for annual assessment to take around three months to finalize for the whole of the island. Staff shortages and annual leave has meant this has taken somewhat longer but we are on track to complete 2021/22 by the end of April.
It is a legal requirement for the IT11 (tax return) to be issued for the year-end, which is why tax payers have received these forms for 2022/23. Whilst we are behind with the 21/22 assessments, we have worked hard to ensure other key aspects of the job are kept up to date. We anticipate that 2022/23 assessments will be processed in the normal time-frame and will continue to look at ways to improve the method of processing tax returns that is both efficient and accurate.

Councillor Kerry Benjamin

Submitted: 28 March 2023

Response: 5 April 2023